hello, world
Hello. If you’re reading this, then I guess it means that I finally made the website. Glad to finally cross that off the list, personally.
So, uh, what’s gonna go here? Well, I’ve got a few near-term ideas, but mostly, I just want to see where things go after I get in the swing of maintaining the blog. I think it’s safe to say you can expect a lot of electronics and software projects. You’ll find some passionate nerd-posting about video games, music and movies. There will almost certainly be some attempts to teach quantum physics. And if you stay around long enough, then things may even get philosophical.
Tonight, I’m hacking away on this website, and I’m listening to YouTube’s AI-generated, personalized music video playlist. The sun’s going down later, but it’s still quite cold. In that very early phase of Spring when it feels like the year has just shown itself for what it will be.
There’s a sense of promise in the air. I stare out the window, and I have a few good ideas that I feel like I should probably write down.